The Man Burn 2018: Dancing in the Embers

This year’s Temple Burn had to be postponed (to next Sunday, November 4, 2018) because Second Life was experiencing massive technical issues, but at least the Man Burn went well.  I’ll admit to some disappointment, however.   I always love filming it, but this year, it happened so fast that I didn’t film it at either burn.  However, the burning of the structure beneath The Man went well and provided an excellent setting for filming and photographing the dancing in the embers after the burn.  Some of these photos are below.

dancing in the embers
Peni (skydiverpeni.fall) (click to enlarge)
Dancing in the embers after the Burn
(click to enlarge)
Dancing in the embers after the Burn
(click to enlarge)
dancing in the embers
(click to enlarge)
Dancing in the embers after the Burn
(click to enlarge)

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